What is Faith-Focused, Free-Thinking?

Faith-focused means we believe in that which is greater than ourselves. Faith acknowledges the limits of humanity’s understanding and recognizes our need for God. We consider the Bible to be a source of God’s revelation to us and we find a helpful foundation for life in the teachings and person of Jesus Christ.

We follow God as best as we are able, pursuing peace and joy, and embracing the unconditional love of God we see represented in Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection.

Free-thinking means we allow people to think for themselves. People here are free to answer life’s questions in different ways, to make sense of the world in the ways that seem right to them, and to interpret the Scriptures according to their own conscience. While we consider the Bible to be a source of God’s revelation to us, we realize God has left its interpretation and application up to us. Therefore, we use the minds God has given us to understand and embrace God as we are able, while appreciating the perspectives of those who see things differently.

“We covenant together of our own free will, to love God and to enjoy God forever, to walk in God’s ways, known and to be made known, to study the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, to live and work together in unity and peace, and to care for those whom God has given us to love.”